Embarking on Heart Rate Training

As the summer heat of Phoenix settles in, running becomes an exercise in not succumbing to self consciousness. We all slow down. Perceived exertion is way harder. We dehydrate quickly and slow down even more. PRs are not being set during the summer months when temps routinely hit 115 degrees.

Despite these factors, my husband and I decided that running an early fall 50K was a good idea. I think we forgot that summer training is almost impossible. So I decided that an adjustment to my training was in order.  Enter heart rate monitor training.

I have read all the great info on how heart rate monitor training can help you become a better endurance athlete. I know the science is sound. I know it isn't uncommon to feel super slow when you first start until your body conditions aerobically. I also get that many runners, especially us recreational ones, often run too hard for an easy day and not hard enough for a hard day.

I know all this in my head. I am a smart girl. And yet - IT IS SO DAMNED HARD!

I have tried following the Maffetone Method in the past, which is a commonly used heart rate training methodology. Perhaps I was too impatient.  Perhaps it was because I was burnt out on running and really just needed a break.  But it didn’t work or I didn’t give it enough time….either way I saw no benefit.  And I had to run so slow I might as well have just walked. I was embarrassed. 

I have told myself that I am unique and that is why it didn’t work.  That I naturally have a higher heart rate.  Lots of great sounding reasons why I should try again, but all no doubt false.  This summer seems like a perfect time to give it a go.  

My plan of attack is to follow the Joel Friel method.  This method comes up with similar values for my aerobic zone as the Maffetone Method.  Four of my weekly runs will stay within the aerobic zone.  Allowance for one day of  week to not worry about it. Likely this will coincide with a track workout, but if not doing track, it can be any day.  Just a day to not care and not be tied to numbers.

I am also incorporating my ChiRunning practice into this effort. And I will be documenting this effort to help myself stick with it and give it my best.

Here goes nothing!


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